Saturday, December 17, 2011

Frozen ButterCream Transfer - 2nd Attempt! :)

Well, I went ahead and tried the frozen buttercream transfer again and I am SOOOOO much happier! :) Have a look!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Frozen ButterCream Transfer

Well, I finally did it!  I was so nervous to do it, so I thought I better just do it or I never would.  Today I did day 1 of a frozen buttercream transfer.  It is a 2 day process because you have to let it freeze for 24hrs!  So, today I outlined and then filled in with the colors.  I am attaching some pics of the first two steps and I will post again tomorrow with the final result!  It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be (at least not so far)! :)  I did chose a very LOW detailed picture too!  Anyways, here are the pics! 


Step 2: FILL

Once you have completed step 2, you will spread whatever color icing you are going to use to cover your cake.  I just didn't take a pic of this step!!  Then freeze for 24 hrs! 

Not super happy with it, but it was my first try! 

Finished Frozen Buttercream Transfer

Friday, December 2, 2011

Change of Plans

Well, things changed around a bit, so I didn't do the frozen buttercream transfer this weekend.  I did however do another Ballerina Dora cake again!!  I will be doing the frozen buttercream transfer next Thursday and Friday tho.  I will be doing an Xmas Tree for a Gift Exchange I will be attending Friday night!  I am super excited and will post pics of it when I do it.  But here are a couple pics of the Ballerina Dora Cake I did!